Quantum Revolution 2.0 Epilogue - In the year 2050


 Markus, who was born in the year 2020, is sleeping a little longer today. 

His 30th birthday has arrived. 

His fMRT alarm clock interacts with Markus's subconscious by logging into his dream and allowing it to become lucid (with lucid dreams, the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming). 

Markus emerges from the REM period as fresh as possible, according to the system's long-ago calculation of the optimum wake-up time. 

The nanobots in his body monitor the latest developments on potential inflammations, vascular plaques, or cell alterations just before he wakes up. 

The info appears on Markus' nano-retina as soon as he opens his eyes. 

His breakfast consists of a butter croissant and jam, like it does every morning. 

Nanobots have become active once again. 

All unnecessary sugar and fat molecules have been eliminated, and essential vitamins, trace minerals, and dietary fibre have been added in their stead. 

The fact that the croissants still taste as buttery as they did forty years ago may also be attributed to the nanobots' abilities. 

They use the right neuro-signals to activate Markus' taste buds. 

The kitchen is eerily quiet. 

Appliances and materials for the kitchen are no longer required. 

What was formerly a tiny oven that was ideally suited to the size of the roast has now been transformed into a toaster. 

This is made feasible through the use of nanoparticle-based programmable matter. 

Markus puts the almost fat-free butter on his croissant carefully. 

Markus is immediately linked to the internet through his retina implant and a microchip in his brain, which transmits messages customized to his interests straight into his brain. 

Markus's tastes, ranging from his favorite football team to his political beliefs, are better known to the AI running on quantum computers, which has been taught and tailored for him and his personality. 

Because it has kept track of every detail of his life and is constantly running algorithms to improve his well-being. 

The conversation between Markus and his AI is, of course, bidirectional. 

He expresses his desire to learn more about the Middle East conflict via his ideas. 

He instantly gets the necessary information, which is delivered to the proper neurons in his brain through suitable impulses, allowing him to not only see but also smell, taste, and hear the smoke and gunshots. 

He recognized the rainforest scene on the wall as the one that lulled him to sleep the night before. 

The scent of dampness is still in his nose, or rather, in the relevant neurons in his brain's olfactory bulb. 

He likes a beach this morning, so he makes his wish. 

Immediately, a tropical coral reef appears in front of him, complete with ocean noises and scents. 

Perceptions are produced directly in his brain, or rather within him. 

When he uses Brainchat, the new brain-to-brain program, to communicate with his love Iris, his AI informs him that an unauthorized individual is listening in on his quantum communication channel. 

The program gives you the option of changing the encryption or switching to a different channel. 

The news article that has been playing in his head has altered. 

He's now listening in on a debate on the abolition of money. 

The value of ownership has shifted dramatically in recent years. 

There are no longer any rare products worth spending money on. 

With 3D printers, even the most basic materials can be made into anything. 

All desired emotions and sensations may be generated directly in the brain via appropriate neuro-stimulation. 

Representatives of the new socialist movement urge that all software for printing and converting goods be made freely available. 

Alphabet and Dodax (formed in 2029 following the merging of Facebook and Microsoft), the only surviving software firms from the information era in the first 20 years of the twenty-first century, continue to resist. 

However, their cause has long since been abandoned. 

The free market economy has lost its luster. 

Everything that humans need may be found in the form of software. 

All they have to do now is print things out or load the necessary software into the physical devices. 

Previously, software needed the use of specific devices known as computers. 

They were both costly and rigid. 

But 10 years ago, when the technical issue of decoherence of entangled quantum systems had been addressed, quantum computer software was created and immediately integrated into objects, for virtually any type of matter. 

Quantum computers allowed individual atoms in a material combination to be controlled in such a manner that they could be combined to create any energetically feasible shape. 

All that was required was the right software. 

In parliament, the New Socialists, who evolved from the Social Democratic movement in 2041, currently have a two-thirds majority. 

They want to make free access to all software a fundamental right for all citizens, according to their electoral program. 

Alphabet and Dodax would be extinct. 

However, it might not be such a terrible thing, and this is the current debate's tone.

It would be like to the last dinosaurs becoming extinct. 

Markus returns to his passion of creating new animal and plant species via genetic engineering. 

He hasn't had a paid work in years, and most of his pals have also lost their jobs. 

At the press of a button, he has access to almost everything he needs (and, eventually, almost everything). 

Almost everything is taken care of by AI-enabled devices and nanobots. 

There is no longer any need to work for a living. 

Money as a means of trade has lost its significance, and the next generation will struggle to comprehend why it was once so essential. 

Markus shivers as he recalls previous times when he had to consider if he could afford to purchase the newest model of electric vehicle and struggled to repay his debts. 

As he leans over his little CRISPR gadget, he wonders if his brain chip, which links him to the central AI, was designed to have such a strong dislike for previous eras. 

But then he grins to himself and returns his attention to the orange color of the moss he intends to use to cover his walls.

~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan

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